Crescent Patch Antenna in IE3D
I tried to duplicate the simulation results of an antenna mentioned in the paper.
"A Printed Crescent Patch Antenna for Ultrawideband Applications"
With IE3D, I was unable to get even a similar simulation result to the one shown in the paper.
Could anyone help me to check if there is anything wrong with my simulation setup ?.
Please help me out. Thank you very much.
Paper, ".geo file" and "S11.jpg resut" are attached.
Hi, djim:
I checked your structure. The problem is in the connection between the feed line and the elliptical patch. They have only one common vertex but no common edge. They are disconnected.
I have fixed the structure as pcp_r2.geo in the attached
I also created a parameterized model pcp_r3.ie3 on IE3DLIBRARY. All the major dimensions are parameterized as global variables. Even the circular hole is parameterized as elliptical shape. You can define some tuning variables and hook up some gloabl variables to the tuing variables for EM tuning and optimization.
The parameterized model pcp_r3.ie3 can save you much time and effort if you are studying the effects of the dimensions. Please check it.
By the way, you may consider using the Contemporary meshing scheme for this structure. It can reduce the unknowns and simulation time significantly while it does not reduce accuracy. The results are very close to what are documented in the paper.