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FDTD simulation of partial coupled equations

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear all,

I need to do the fdtd simulation of 2 coupled onedimensional partial differential equations..i have just started going through the fundamentals of fdtd method...i am able to discretize the coupled equations..then am not able to understand how to proceed further,..iterating them....i dont get it..can anyone help me in giving good resource materials..
can anyone give me any sample c code for fdtd simulation of partial coupled equations...

expecting reply eagerly..
thank you in advance

If you search through edaboard ebook download/upload section or search through this forum, you will find an ebook on fdtd. The name of the ebook is fdtd simulation by sulivan, it contains a code on one-, two-, and three- dimensional fdtd simulation.

you should find the Taflov book for fdtd and matlab implementation of this method!

Dear Babinton,

i tried to get this book through this forum and through google searches too..It was removed in this forum..kindly can you send to my email.


Plenty of thanks in advance.

上一篇:matlab routine pdetool

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