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extremely large mesh hfss

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Has any one had a problem when using mesh settings (either manual or lowering the value of the lambda refinement of initial mesh) in computing far-fields. We have noticed that sometimes when we set these mesh properties too high, the far field calculation becomes garbage even though the S-parameters are correct. Any thoughts are appreciated.


I have a problem with the mesh too, i have tried to change the number of passes and then the central frecuency of my simulation was changed I don`t know what to do for adjust the number of max passes

I'm not sure by your reply if you are having the same problem I am or not. I will say that it doesn't seem to be directly related to a problem with the number of tets in the mesh. If I do not set any initial mesh settings and let it run until the memory is maxed, the radiation pattern is good (although possibly not convered). I only notice a problem when I set a (too?) fine initial mesh. In both cases, however, the final number of tets is approximately the same.


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