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Help on farfield of XFDTD

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am using XFDTD to model a canonical power bus structure. The
far zone electric fields I got are different from the results I got by
Microstripes and Emap. I tried to find the reason but failed. Could anyone
please be so kind to look into my model and give me some suggestions? The
structure parameters, settings, and some results are attached in winrar package. In the attached doc file, the e-field from XFDTD is at 1 meter and the e-fields
from MS and Emap are at 3 m. After minus 10 dB from the XFDTD results,
there is still about 10 dB difference. Last figure in the doc file is the farfield I got for a dipole antenna, the value is also larger for XFDTD than Microstripes.
I really appreciate it!

I am sorry for that large attachment. I delete the simulation results and attached the files again. Thanks!

nobody answer it?

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