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extrapolation method in farfield gain measurement

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi to every body
I am working on my project and I need some measured data on far zone field.
Is there any one can help me and give me some real (Experimental-for specific antenna diameter) data aboat INSERTION LOSS AS A FUNCTION OF ANTENNA SEPERATION DISTANCE.
best regards,


Try to learn Friis equation - Its what you'll need....

It is not called INSERTION LOSS, it is
called PROPAGATION LOSS. Insertion loss
is a term used mainly for losses in a
transmission lines. It is meant to be an
attenuation due to ohmic losses in a transmission
line. Propagation loss is meant to be loss due to
the energy is radiated in every direction.

thank you for your help .but i need some real (experimental for a specific antenna diameter) measurement data for my project .if you have anything please send it to me.
best regard
ebrahim ziar

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