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How to create a cone from an isocell triangle in HFSS?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi there
I m doing simulations using hfss , n i need 2 create a cone from an isocel triangle , not a 3d material filled cone as usual , is jst a rotated triangular sheet 2 form it , anybody knows how 2 do dat ? thnx

Try rotating/sweeping a diagonal line about an axis. Another tactic would be to create a cone and then detach the base so you end up with a sheet. You might also try creating nested cones and then subrtact the inner cone from the outer. That would leave you with a finite thickness conical surface.

See if any of these work.

I tried all solutions u said bout , i think the most accurate one for me , will b 2 sweet a triangular surface around an axis , 2 create the cone shape i need , but alwayz i hv one of the folowing error messages : 1-[error] Acis error: "Failed to call api_sweep_with_options.. Acis Error 73027 - Path Curve tangential to the sweep profile " or 2- [error] Acis error: "Failed to call api_sweep_with_options.. Acis Error 73027 - Path Curve tangential to the sweep profile " , could u tell me how can i sweep the surface correctly ?
thnx a lot for ur help

Added after 1 minutes:

i mean this for 2nd error
[error] Acis error: "Failed to call api_sweep_with_options.. Acis Error 73045 - Self-intersection created by profile intersecting axis or crossing center of elliptical path. "

When you are sweeping objects around an axis, you have to make sure the object does not cross the axis. if it does, then the object intersects itself during the sweep.

if you want to make an open cone -
1 - draw a line with a gradientthat does not cross the axis.
2 - choose your axis and rotate.
3 - if your line touches the axis, you will get a cone with a close apex. if it does not touch the axis, your cone will be open on both ends.

if your isosceles triangle has 3 sides, two of which are equal, you only need to draw one side (from the two equal ones). You cannot rotate a sheet that crosses the axis you want to perform rotation on.

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