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Electric and magnetic fields in antenna

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,

I want to understand electric and magnetic field distribution from antenna. I always get confused about the direction of those fields. Can anybody explain me with figures and some examples? Also, I want to understand the field patterns of antennas? Also, I want to know about how horizontal and vertical polarization can change the field pattern for the antenna?

Try to read and simulate some basic antennas in any one of the simulator.
With the help of simulator u can able to understand current distribution and pattern of an typical antenna.


can you guys suggest me any simulator which is available for free download with limited features?

With Regards
S.rajesh kumar

Is radiated em wave (esp. for far-field) of a simple antenna a finite sum of multipole waves? Since I think at resonance the antenna may be approximated by some dipole or quadrpole.

SuperNEC is good to start with.
radiated em wave isnot a finite sum.
Please check the expressions of E & H of a Hertzian dipole.
Basicallty in a recent IEEE AP Magazine there was nice paper published on Antenna radaitions.
What you might be trying to say is that potentical at a point in far filed is the sum of em waves generated by the current disctribution on the antenna itself.So if you have a sinusoidal current distribution then waves reaching at a point in far field may be in/out phase and form nulls and peaks.

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