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probe fed in software electromagnetic

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I use from probe fed to patch.but i dont undrestand concept"division angle"in probe fed to patch. I examination for different divition angle(between -90 to 90), but simulation give different response. for example, for one rectangular patch with division angle=0 give -10db in f=1.8GHZ and for division angle=50 give -18db in f=1.8GHZ please explain for me concept division angle and i should what number give for division angle.

It is used to determine how we divide the polygons when we insert teh probe. It will affect the meshing. If you get S11 = -10 dB at 18 GHz for one meshing or =18 db at 18 GHz for another meshing for an antenna, it can be quite nature. It is possible that the 2 results are very close. There might just be some slight frequecy shift for the resonant frequency.

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