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quadridge horn design

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi friends
Can any one tell me how to design ridges used in quadridge horn

A simple starting point would be the dimensions of a suitably sized double ridged waveguide.

I would then use an exponential taper to transition to a rectangular aperture.

A. H. Systems has a series of horns you could use as references, ETS Lungren is another supplier. There are many others.

Woops, I thought you were after a dual ridged horn and addressed my comments to that. I would still be inclined to a similar structure, but now based on a square waveguide and four ridges.

Does anyone have any references?

Added after 1 minutes:

How to design that ridge structure?

Hi Azulykit
I have seen the design of Lindgrin's feed also A.H.System with four ridges.
I have few doubts regarding construction of ridges.
Can you tell me how to construct it in HFSS?
I am trying to make.
If you have created any ridge like structure. can you send me please?
I am trying to make the tapered part of ridge, but not succesful yet.

The tapers are probably most easily created using the equation based line feature where you create an exponential curve (in parametric form) and then sweep it to form a surface/solid.

As I recall it is under the draw tab. My license renewal has not arrived so I can't easily check right now. I will probably get on the Ansoft guys next week.

Hi Azulykit. I have tried to make ridge.
I have made it by simple method.
by drawing rectangle & by placing sector of circle after that & made that.
I don't know how to use equation based tool yet.
Do you have any project related to quadridge horn?
Can you send me for study please?

The equation based plotting feature in HFSS is realtively straight forward. A little time with the on-line help and a review of parametric equations from a lower division calculus text and you should be on your way.

I don't have an example available.

Have you had a look at the horn antenna example in HFSS 9.2 user guide posted here ages ago?


Yes, I can design simple horn antenna.
I also looked at the example you are telling me.
Only I dont know how to make ridge with horn.
I am still not able to make ridge which I have seen in many papers.
They made using some impedance equation

The curves for a ridged are usually exponential curves. I have used this form:
y=a+be^(cx) where a, b, and c are constants.

Look into the literature for Vivaldi's and tapered or exponential slots if you need more guidance.

Ok I will do that.

This article from the IEEE may be helpful.

Design and Simulation of Ultra-wideband Quad-
Ridged Horn Antenna

Jinghui Qiu, Ying Suo, and Wei Li
School of Electronics and Information Technology
Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, 150001, China,
Email:suoyingsing@126.com, Tel:(+86)45186402923

Abstract-An ultra-wideband quad-ridged horn antenna
in ultra-wideband communication system is described in which
offer unique advantages its own structure characters. By
simulation and optimization, the 2-18 GHz quad-ridged horn
antenna can realize high gain and dual polarization operations,
and the operating bandwidth is enough for practical operation.
The simulation results and analyses of the ultra-wideband
quad-ridged horn antenna are presented.

I dont have access to IEEE papers.
Can you please upload or email me if you have the paper.
Thank you

I am not able to find the exponential function in drawing of equation based curve menu.
Can any one help me out here

I note that I provided a general exponential expression in January. Spend some time with a calculus text on plotting curves. Pay particular attention to parametric forms.

You can join the ieee to gain access to their materials. You can also subscribe to the digital library for additional access.

Describe what you have done so far and where you are running into trouble. Start with using an equation to draw a straight line. Once you can do that generalizing to an exponential should be easy.

Dear Azulykit
I am currently drawing the same as you have suggested.
I was able to draw a lstraight ine in equation based curve.
previously I was using 3 point arc tool but it is complicated to use in ridge design.
I have gone through some IEEE papers & got 2 equations.
but i did not get how they have got the values of constants
ex. z=A*e^(Cx)+B*e^(Dx)
Because of some difficuilties for2-3 months I was not able to use HFSS.
Do you have any example project for ridge design?

Does any one know how to make connection in simulation to the ridged waveguide?
Should we use any cable or SMA?
What should be the dimensions of cable?
since it will decide impedance & indirectly VSWR also.
Please help.

Feeds are often coaxial with the shield attached to one ridge (where the spacing is small in the horn throat) and the center conductor connectected to the opposite ridge. Since you have a quad ridge perpendicular coax feeds will porbably be used. Dhe feed dimensions depend on the details of your design.

See if you can find a ridged horn somewnere and look it over carefully. That may be very informative.

Dear Azulykit
I have seen 1 dual ridged horn in one RF lab used in Anachoic chember.
There was SMA connector outside.
Some people also use Type N.
but I did not come to know how they include in simulation.
Is there any book on this kind of stuff?
Don't mind but I have seen some people just copy the dimension & try to reproduce it( It ia also not easy!). But I want to learn how to design & details of every length, gaps etc.
Do anyone have any project report for the same?
Thanks for the reply

I suggested looking at a quad horn to get a general idea of how it can be driven. A quad ridge feed is ismilar. At least the ones I have seen. I imagine that a double ridged waveguide could be used to feed a horn. I am not aware of detailed texts on the subject although I would expect that there are a useful number of papers in TAP and MTT societies of the IEEE. I would start there looking for additional guidance. The IEE is another source. You might also find something useful in Jasik's series of Handbooks, Y. T. Lo's book or maybe also Skolnik's Radar Handbook.

Then it would be time to sit down with a simulator to develop an antenna suitable for your application. I would anticipate some time in a machine shop and test lab as well.

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