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Microwave Office question

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I want to know if is it possible to generate graphics, for example, of s-parameters of a circuit as a funcion of a resistor value, or any other parameter variation, not only time of frequency in the x axis.
In the same way, I also want to plot derivatives, integrals, average values,max and min of these functions and so...

Is it possible to do with MWO?



absolutely, you can plot s-parameters which is basically a plot of power in db on Y-axis versus frequency on x-axis. If you are plotting s11 or s22 is basically a return loss, in other words it is a reflected power. If you are plotting s12 or s21 is basically an insersion loss, in other words it is transmitted power. I don't understand why do you need other variations. Probably, it may not be possible.


Hi tshah, thanks for your answer.
I know the basic theory behind the s-parameters and how to plot them against frequency in X axis, that was just an example.
Now suppose you want to plot another parameter that is not in the MWO list, for example, derivatives (I need to plot dIdrain/dVgs of a FET) or integrals, or another data manipulation (max, min values). Or suppose you want to know the average value of S21 of an broadband amplifier.

Yes it can be done however you need to write output equations to compute these. Look in the manual as it's rather lengthy to explain here.

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