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The simulation of microwave antenna of nanofilm Ti3C2 (Mxene)

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello! I am a student of the radio engineering faculty and now I am engaged in master's work. The purpose of my work is to find application for Ti3C2 in antenna technology. I found a lot of information from article http://advances.sciencemag.org/content/4/9/eaau0920

But I can't understand how to simulate the Ti3C2 dipole in CST Microwave Studio. I have been trying for five months to get the same results as in article (S11 values), but without the result. Apparently, I do not understand something in terms of building a model. Could you help me with it, please?
The fact is that I modeled the dipole in the CST Studio program with the parameters that I managed to get from the article. The remaining parameters were set based on pure common sense and logic?

The thickness of the nanofilm-1.4 μm
The length of the dipole ? 0,0625 m
Frequency-2.4 GHz
The width of the dipole was set to 0.005 m

I considered a 100-μm-thick layer of lossy substrate as the PET sheet. The permittivity value is 3.1, the el. conductivity = 2,07e-3 S/m.

For the simulation the Ti3C2-layer was used a surface impedance model instead.

A discrete 50-ohm port is used as a source

Boundaries-open (add space).

The simulation was carried out in the time domain with an accuracy of -60 dB. As a result, the simulation S11 came out to -8,5dB, which does not correspond to the data obtained in the article (-36dB).

The version of CST Studio is 2017.

If you will not complicate, prompt, please, that I do not correctly. I had no previous experience with modeling nanomaterials. Maybe I need to improve the accuracy or reduce the step of the meshing. On the other hand, maybe I create a surface impedance model of a Ti3C2-layer incorrectly.

Screenshots and model are attached.

Thanks in advance!

P.S. Sorry for my English!

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