how to view current in Ground plane for DGS in IE3D
if i must define a finite ground plane to see the current in ground plane in IE3D?
thanks in advance.
Hi, sensen9966:
Yes. If you use infinite gnd, you can't visualize the current distribution on the infinite gnd because it is not part of the primary solution. However, you can do a near field calculation and find the Hx and Hy on the surface. Jx = Hy and Jy = - Hx on the surface of the ground plane.
Best regards,
thanks jian
another question is how could i control the frequency points that make the IE3D to simulate the current distribution at those frequencies.
i used to just select the simulate the current distribution, and ie3d will automatically choose some frequency points to simulate and show the current. could i control it manually?
thanks again.
Hi, sensen9966:
This feature has been in IE3D 14 and earlier version. You just check the frequency points in the list in SIMULATION SETUP dialog. IE3D will make sure the AIF will pick the checked points.
The feature was accidentally lost due to some new implementation in IE3D 14.1. It is fixed in the IE3D 14.16 beta (current release is IE3D 14.15). IE3D 14.16 (or MGRID 14.16) can be released soon. It can be within 1 week.
If you have IE3D 14.0x and some earlier versions (not too old ones), you can use the checked frequency points in the list. If you have IE3D 14.1X, please wait for a few days until IE3D 14.16 is released. Regards.
got it.
nice improve in IE3D 14, the GUI is more friendly and the simulation is some faster. also more structure can be used in IE3DLibrary.
i have checked, the above question works fine in IE3D 14.10 for me.
thanks again.
Hi, sensen9966:
Thank you for your comment. IE3D 14.1 is even much faster than IE3D 14.0 when you have multiple CPUs. Also, we had further improved the GUI scheduled for IE3D 14.2. It seems to me the new improvement on GUI will be released IE3D 14.16.