About conformal FDTD (CFDTD)
I also would like to know more about this technique. Anyone has some advise where should I start?
Dear emkenkyu,
you can read "Taflove-Hagness, Computational Elecrtodynamic, The FDTD Method" Artech House, 2nd or 3rd edition. There is a chapter named "Local subcell models ..." with a lot of references, IEEE Transaction papers from Mittra, for example.
CFDTD consists of a normal studiying of Yee cell, unless in deformed cells ( defomed zone) , with CFDTD these cells are studied locally with the use of AMPERE and Farday lows.
3D EM simulator, CST Microwave Studio is based on FIT (Finite Integral Technique). This general method, in time domain version, is equivalent to a CFDTD.