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HFSS_cross antenna

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

Any body knows hor to feed this antenna

Funny file! Could you draw the air box, substrate or smt. else? I'm not understanding what the type of antenna you want to simulate.

Hi romka-04,

Thanks for you your kind reply.

Actually its wire cross antenna , it means no substrate .

Yes i did not draw the radiation box because i just wanted to know how to place the wave port , i have tried to used lumped port but i did not know how to define the multimode ?

hope you can help

The main difference between Lumped and Wave port is the following. Lumped port is one mode. If you want to excite your device with several modes you should use Wave port. But Wave port could stay only on the border of air box (not inside)! I think you don't need Wave port in this solution.

Please, see the attached file (.pdf). Is it you type of antenna? If yes that you should draw the wire but not rectangle. After that you will have 2 wire ends (input and output). You should draw rectangle and assign a Lumped port. Integration line should be between two ends (like in the dipole example in attached).

Hope I help you!


Thanks for your reply.

I kknow that about the ports.

I have attached this photo , what do you think ? hot place the ports

I understand what you need. I had never encountered this problem. I could say only this
1. There is only one way how to assign the Lumped port (and you know this way).
2. There is only one problem. The rectangular for Lumped ports would be cross each other (it’s not good). You could try give you antenna height (3D) and draw first rectangular on the top and second on the bottom. Or you can invent something else.
3. I think that no one can say how to do. You should try some design and then compare it with papers, experiment or smt. else.

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