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ansoft diode library

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everybody
I am simulating an amplifier by Ansoft Desiner and I need Zener Diode for completing my design but I don't find it.
I am using circuit simulator and I didn't find any Zener Diode in Circuit libraries of Ansoft Designer.
Please help me.


I try to help you, my english not is very good. You can find the code of any zener diode (In Internet or in an electronic components catallogue),after them search it in ansonft designer to find this element. You must include the vendor element library before the search. I hope that this few explanation can help you.

Yes Vendor elements are avilable but Using them have some Problem in various type of simulations such as linear and nonlinear. Don't you know Why Isn't there any basic model or ideal model for a Zener Diode, when almost for all circuit elements such as capacitors...resitors...diodes...inductors...there are ideal or global or basic elements that we can consider their parameters...thanks

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