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fdtd patch antenna code

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
i have tried to re simulate the code given in "Electromangetic simulation using FDTD method". Chapter 5, Fd3d_patch.c

Unfortunately the from the source code did not compile "file pointer handling". Can somebody please help me to fix the problem in the attached C file.



if you still need help on this problem, pls mail me at jithesh_lrde@rediffmail.com or jithesh.lrde@gmail.com.
I fixed the problems, but I could not upload the file due to some problems.
The code is now in working condition.

The major problems were:
1. due to some memory limitation, the C Pre-processor could not assign memory to the 3D arrays. If you declare the arrays directly like dx[62][120][14] instead of dx[IE][JE][KE}, this will be solved.
2. In most of the places, insted of '1' (digit), you typed l (alphabet). In printed material (e.g., Sullivan's Text Book), both may look alike.
3. You have used coefficient arrays fi1, fi2, fi3 etc, without initializing. So by default they will be filled with zeros. In the source/field update equations, these coefficient arays will make the entire expression zero so that you will always get zero only.

Best Regards

Added after 49 minutes:

Hi again,

I am trying to upload the file again.
Two more fdtd files (both from sullivan) are also there in the zip file.
Hope that it is useful.

Best Regards

Thanks very much. Actually i scan the pdf and that why there were so many errors.

continue uploading Jitesh


There was a minor mistake in the code, which I uploaded.
In the FDTD_PatchAntenna.c file, change the statement:

int IE = 30;


int IE = 62;

Sorry for the error.
Best Regards

i have a problem in fd3d_4.1.c(i couldn't run program)
if u can i would be greatful for that
best regards
my mail:emrsrt@gmail.com


I don't have this code with me. You please upload it or send it to jithesh.lrde@gmail.com.
I will try to fix your problem and upload it back.

Best Regards


You can find the modified code in the following thread:

Best Regards

I have problem with FD3D_4.1.c too

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