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is metamaterial real?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I would like to know what the metamaterial is and what applications it has.

Hi ,
Very difficult to answer briefly. Metamaterials are artifcially engineered materials which exhibit properties not found in natural materials like negative ε and negative μ simultaneously in a given frequency range. This leads to lot of applications like sub wavelength resolution in imaging, miniaturized antennas, broadband couplers and so on. Please refer to papers by Pendry, Smith, Itoh and Caloz for details.


Metamaterials, are usually synthesized by embedding various constituents on some host media. The electromagnetic properties of metamaterials are like both permittivity and permeability attain negative real parts in a given band of frequencies.
They are also called, ?double-negative? media, ?left-handed materials, ?backward-wave media?, ?negative index materials?,.
They also possess unconventional features such as negative refraction and backward wave propagation, in which the direction of the Poynting vector of a plane wave is antiparallel with the direction of its phase velocity.
These have some potential applications in various systems and subsystems involved in radiation, guidance and scattering of EM waves.

you can look up the meaning of "meta" to get an idea.

to me, meta-material means "not exactly a material".

Very well said loucy. I liked your response. Forgive if I am digressing a bit but what is the origin of the word "Meta" ? Is it Greek ?


PS : I am also interested in the history of science.

Check this site out for use of metamaterials for microwave engineering applications:


Metamaterials are in reality for using to realize by man made materials.

seach the following book already uploaded on the forum

Elecromagnetic metamaterial by caloz

Meta comes froom Geek, well said, but I dont like this definition you gave "not exactly a material"

Meta means something about that something. For example, metalanguage means language about language, like html tags and so

In this case, the best definition I can think about is a material done with materials, this means, a material with its own characteristics made using other materials with different characteristics.

The are no negative permitivitty or permeability materials in nature. Thus, this metamaterials with negative indexes are done using other that have positive indexes.
Then, materials done with materials

Hi mneshat,
look at this link. It gives the basic definition of meta materials.


Metamaterial is an artificially created material which exhibits negative permitivitty and negative permeability. These materials doesn't exist in nature. Any kinds of active and passive circuits exhibits positive permitivity and permeability. But using metamaterial if you can create one cell, you can cascade it to get a wideband response. That's what make it more popular. Usually, metamaterials are called as left handed material. But it is a nature of any circuit that it exhibits parasitics right handed effect. So, you can never have pure left handed metamaterial design. But what you have is combination of right-left handed meta material design.

I hope this is useful.


Meta that means "superior", so a material with some characteristics superior, that did not happen to conventional material, for reading, you can look for the book Metamaterials in ebooksclub at org;

I am just completed my project using metamaterial-Split ring resonator:)

hallo chailingleow,
do you have the matlab code to determine s-parameter from metamaterial split ring resonator ,can you upload this,it required for my project work

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