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Radiation Patterns with Multiple Wave Ports

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am designing a finite array. Each antenna in the array has a wave port. When I plot a radiation pattern, it does not appear to be an array pattern. So I am assuming the radiation pattern was calculated with only one port excited (Wave Port 1?) and the others terminated. Am I correct?

I would like to generate radiation patterns with each port excited separately. But radiation plots in HFSS don't seem to allow me to select which port to excite.

I would appreciate your advice.


Can I take a look on project?

you are absolutely correct.

go to HFSS>Fields>Edit sources and change scaling factor and offset phase as required.

Wow! great. Thank you very much.

Is there any way to see impedance variation at different scan angles? "Edit sources" seem to work only with radiation patterns. Thanks for your help in advance!

I don't think there is any impedance variation with different scan angle. and with source edit, you can see the variations in E-field, H-field and surface current etc.

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