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thesis+conformal antenna+hfss

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am trying to use HFSS to modal a comformal microstrip antenna mounted on a cylinder substrate. I intended to use a coxial probe as excitation. I wonder how I can draw it out.

I also want to known how to draw it ,very urgent for my
bachelor‘s thesis。 Could anyone so kind to supply an example
about conformal microstrip antenna in HFSS 10.
Many thinks ! !!

you can find the internal radius and external radius of the coaxial cable by texline of the AWR software.and simulate it in the HFSS.a cylinder(that u find its radius) ===>pec
a layer on it (that u find its radius,external radius) ===>teflon
and a layer on them(thin layer)===>pec

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