how to design clylinderical arcs
I am currently beginner user in HFSS and i am trying to design birdcage coil. How can I design strips on the inner face of clylindirical surface? Is there any utility to cut arcs from cylindirical surface?
e.g: How can I cut 12 equal strips from a cylinder surface? I am uploading a sample view of coil.
e.g: How can I cut 12 equal strips from a cylinder surface? I am uploading a sample view of coil.
For cutting 12 equal strips, first make one strip(in the form of box).Duplicate it by using angle of 30 degrees 12 times. Then select the cylinder and all the 12 strips. Choose intersection from the boolean.
Actually I could not see the figure that u supplied coz of lesser points...hope to provide more details after seeing it!
I just saw the figure.I think that above reply should solve ur problem. Take care about upper and lower rings...either u can draw after intersecting the strips...and later join them by using boolean..
edit> duplicate> around axis ,
draw >sweep> around axis,
focus over it and try !