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how to join the equation based curved in HFSS V11

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does anyone know?
I want to draw some ellipse rf cavity from the sweep of only single line for the good meshing.
I can create several eq curved and use unite to join them together, but I think it's not the good way to make line contineus. This I want is something like you can draw the segment line from several line type, but I can't add line segment after by using eq. based curve.

Please help


I want to draw 11 cell elliptical rf cavity in HFSS 11. Could you please help me to do it. I am new user of HFSS. I also need the manual for the HFSS.

what is your dimension I can help but need more details, contact me via email or pm thanks

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