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时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

Need to know the resonate frequency, but cannot find the "Eigenmode" in the list of "report type", where it only has "Model S parameters" and "field".

Is it because my hfss version is too low? or I haven't set it properly?

If it is the version problem, is there any other way to simulate the resonate frequency?



you should select "eigenmode" from "solution type", not "report type". I remember hfss v9.0 had eigenmode solver.

thank you, I know how to do it now. but I have another question about the eigenmode:

In the setup window, you can fill "Number of modes". I tried 1,2,3,4,5, one for each time, and found out the calculated frequencies are all different....

I think the resonator should have infinite resonation mode, but at least the first few should be the same by calculating different mode number?

I know the equation for coupling coefficient is 2(f1-f2)/(F1+f2), so I should only set the mode number as 2?

Confused now and please help me.....

Added after 20 minutes:

somehow, I figured it out,

if simulation one resonator, use 1 mode
..................two resonator, use 2 modes

Am I correct?


What do you mean by " but at least the first few should be the same by calculating different mode number? ?
Modes can not be the same unless tou have a symmetric resonator where the frequencies of some of the modes can be the same but the feeling of the fields that they describe wont be the same.
In order to find the modes, you should design the structure select eigenmode solver and then put a low frequency compared to the expected one for your modes.Then as for the number of the modes it depends on how many you want to examine so you can ask hfss to give you the first 2 3 4 ...10 modes. Look at their frequencies,plot their fields and then you can realise if they are the "same" or not. In addition before doing all these things you can use theoritical formulas to compute the frequencies that you expect to have..this could be a good test for yout simulation.

Refer to hfss full book

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