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FDTD example help

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I had read the papper "Finete Difference Time Domain
Calculations of Antenna Mutual Coupling".I want to do some research on the coupling among antennas.Although I have debuged it for
such a long time, the results can't agree with your papper.I really can't find what's wrong.
Do you have the code of that papper now? I will be very thankful if you can send me the code.
With kind regards
Yours sincerely,[/code]

If you post your results and an explanation how you set up your simulation and also
the paper (or at least the model from the paper, or a more complete (electronic) reference)
somebody may be able to help you.

Added after 7 minutes:

I found the paper. It is at


(Is it the paper you mean?)

You would have to explain how you set up your simulations, measured voltages etc, and perhaps
show also some of you intermediate results. Otherwise helping you is difficult. I doubt that the code
used there still exist or is publicly available The paper is 17 years old.

Thanks dear iyami
I can't open the site what you give.Now i post this paper on the forum,I want to do the simulation the same as the paper,and then do some improment .I am a new learner,so I really need the code of the paper.I have found the code for such a long time,but can not find it.If you can help me find it,Thanks very much!

It looks like almost the same paper. the link i gave was for a technical report.
In any case:

1) I don't think you can find the code they used
2) You need to show us your results so that we can suggest reasons for the differences

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