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suspended microstrip

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
i am facing problems in modeling suspended microstrip line over ebg structures for characterizing EBGs. i am using CST for this problem.

when i use waveguide port for exciting the microstrip line CST gives me an error message about the port.

can anyone suggest any solution to this problem.


it seems no body is using cst for simulating microstrip structures.
i am still waiting for any helpful comments.



I just want to check if you found a solution fot your problem or you still have problem...I am using HFSS


simulation UWB over EBG on CST. please. someone had simulated it. You help to me.

hi Mustafa_Engineer

well i was able to do simulation without any errors but i am not sure whether this is the best method to characterize EBGs

how you are characterizing EBG using HFSS



I am using 50 ohm mictostrip line on the top face of the substrate and EBG as ground plane with two wave ports.



hello All..
Have you got a convincing results using microstripline?

Hi, could anyone help me, when we use the suspended microstrip line like above; when the s21 is minumum, what is value (min or max) of current surface density of our EBG? Thanks.

hi cuongtran

well i am not sure how you model your structure. from your figure it seems you have placed a transmission line at a very large distance away your EBG structure.
how you computte the width of the line ?

i think if you upload your model then people may give you more helpful advice



i have noticed that whenever you model transmission line over EBG structure
CST MWS give warning message saying

waveguide port is inhomogenous. some higher order propagating modes have been neglected please decrease the port size or change the frequency range.

i want to know whether some one else also get these problems or not

it would be great if someone post a simple simulation model of microstrip line over EBG structure which has been simulated without any error or warning messages


it seem that you should extend the length of the microstrip line.

上一篇:solder sma

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