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frekuensi resonansi mikrostrip

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am new in FDTD. I am interested in evaluating Microstrip Transmission Lines using FDTD (PML) method. Are there are any source codes available for Microstrip geometries? So that i could get started.

Thank you.


here some intersting books wich can help you

- Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite - Difference Time - Domain ( ALLEN TAFLOVE)
-Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method

Hi medaziz,

Thank you for the reply. I am also going through the book by Taflove (the one that you have adviced). Is there a way to find a source code (Matlab Preferred) for FDTD-3D for microstrip goemetries.

Many Thanks!


In the second book ( SADIKU) it exists 3D code writing with fortran.

You can search also in this forum, there is a lot of examples.

you can send to me a email for more descussion

Good luk

saya br berkecimpung di dunia fdtd di karenakan tugas akhir saya ttg FDTD.

saya ingin bertanya bagaimana bentuk persamaan untuk mencari frekuensi resonansi antena microstrip dalam bentuk FDTD,
Impedansi antena microstrip dalam bentuk FDTD?

mohon bantuannya....


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