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hfss waveport

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
In HFSS tutorial, it is written:
"It is recommended that only surfaces that are exposed to the background be degined as Wave Ports."
"If you want to apply waveports to the interior of a structure, you must create an inner void or select the surface of an interior object thet is assign a perfect conductor material property...."

When my waveport and the radiation boundary are at the same surface, hfss warns me. Does it make a problem?
Secondly, Is there anybody who has used interior waveport? Can anybody explain how to do that?

Hello Haydar,
It is not a problem when your radiation boundary and the waveport overlap. But as far as the interior port is concerned, why don't you look at using a lumped port rather than a waveport?
I think the tutorial explains that in some detail...

thanks ananth
I have not seen any example on lumped port. Which tutorial do you mention?
Is there anybody who has any example on lumped port or voltage, current excitations?


I have used lumped ports as excitation for monopole antenna. I have drawn a strip (rectangle) with a perfect E boundary as the antenna. another rectangle, connected to the antenna, is choosen as Lumped port. and there is a box, wich bottom face comes in touch with the lumped port and is assigned as perfect E (infinite ground) and the other faces as radiation boundary.
I can send you my structure, if it helps.


hi sara
this is the similar case with waveport examples, in which waveport and radiation boundary are at the same surface. I want to make my exitation inside the radiation boundary. Is that possible?
however, I want to see your design as an example. please send it.

Can some one help me in assigning wave ports/ Lumped ports. Suppose if u want to simulate capacitor (parallel plate) which port is better.
Most importantly I am terribly confused about INTERNAL PORT. There is NO EXAMPLE for internal port in the manual.
For simulating capacitor
1. I create the struture (two parallel plates)
2. How to assign ports. Bottom plate as ground and two ports on either side of top conductor?. (in which case u'll get s11 s12 etc)
please help.

yes, waveport can be put inside simulation domain, you need to put a pec object which can cover the waveport.
Tomorrow I will upload the problem of irfan1, I used waveport inside airbox. You may check it.


Lumped ports works pretty well if you need excitation inside the structure. I have simulated a lot of p@tch antennas feeded by lumped port, and with no change of their performance instead of tose feeded by wave port. According the manual, WP is suitable when you feed microstrip line, leeding out of the structute, and also multiple modes of excited guided wave - this is when you examine mutual coupling or other dielectric performances of effects. If you simulate antenna, you will not need multiple modes, so lumped port will work ok.

Hi pepino,
Thankyou very much for your reply. I am still confused about waveport/lumped port. There are four combinations possible with ports

1. Waveport- Driven Modal
2. Waveport - Driven terminal (calculates Terminal Sparameters for ALL modes)
3. Lumped Port - Driven Modal
4. Lumped Port - Driven terminal

First, I get confused with the word "Lumped"...In what way is the ports defined in HFSS are "lumped". IS there any difference between Lumped and wave ports other than that Lumped port can be defined INTERNALLY.
If I want to simulate a microstrip which port I should use. (HFSS manual :hfss_onlinehelp.pdf says [page 170 of 504] Lumped ports are used when modeling MICROSTRIP structures.)
I am trying to simulate an example in Pozar (μw engineering). Chap 3.8 Example microstrip design. I hope I'll get some clarity after that. I'll share it with u ppl

Hallo cvenkat
The lumped port is used inside the structure , and the structure is then covered by a radiation boundary.
In order to drive a microstripe , u must use the wave port , when u driven the structure from the outside , i.e no discontinuity.the wave port is all section of the structure i.e the dielectric and the vaccum , not only the the copper line and the ground plane ..
hope that will help , or send me ur email for an example

hi grandizer,
Thanks for your help. It woule be really helpful if you send the example

Hi, are there any recommendations for the proper size of the waveport to drive a microstrip line? Also, in order to apply the de-embedding process to the line, are there any parameters significantly affect the results' accuracy, such as the port solution accuracy..? Thanks!

Is it possible to use symmetry with lumped ports i.e both PE and PM boundaries? I would also like to request if there is anybody here who has an idea of how to simulate coax feed for ridged horn antenna

The standard recommendation for microstrip is that the port be six to eight times as wide as the trace and six times as high as the substrate thickness. For strip lines, the recommended width is the same, while in the vertical direction the port extends from the metal plane below the trace to the metal plane above the trace.

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