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need help

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
when i use HFSS11 ,how shall I get Quality factor ?
for example when simulating a combination of fss array over patch antenna ,how shall I get the Quality factor of this antenna?
And for a common example ,when simulating a Resonator,how shall I get the Quality factor of this Resonator?
Thank you for your help

for quality factor measure you can calculate it by using formula
f0=Resonance frequency
f1 and f2=-3db point on return loss curve
so fron HFSS you can calaulte the return loss graph and from there you can calulate q factor.

hi there

well if i am not wrong the f1 and f2 are 3dB points rather than 10dB points in Q factor calculation


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