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Circular arc phased array

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all!

I have a question regarding an array. i need to design an array of patch with f=77 Ghz (automotive frequency). What i thought is a inset-fed microstrip
patch as a single element. The array is supposed to be on a 120 degree circle arc and the goal is to have SLL= - 20 db when the array is squinted to plus
or minus 90 degrees. after some simulations on cst, i managed to have that SLL but i have some questions:

1) Can anyone check my project and tell me if this is something realizable?
2) I want to have the distance between elements equal to lambda/2. in the project i considered lambda in air (3.9 mm), is this correct?
3) If this is realizable, what can be the best feeding system?

I considered e_r=2.2, because i tried with an higher e_r but i obtained bad results.
I attach the file, i simulated only one third of the array because my laptop is not very good and because some elements must be switched off for this situation.

For the results you can simply go on transient solver , the excitation phases and amplitudes are already set.

Thank you very much in advance

P.S.: All the suggestions you have are welcome!


Just to specify, the project is on cst mws 2009!

It will be nice even if you have some general suggestions, i don't want to show to my professor something thati is completely wrong!


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