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feko radiation pattern, how can i plot it?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I've done all the steps in a feko video about a dielectric resonator antenna. but at the end, it is only shown hot to plor a s-parameters graph..nothing about the near field or the radiattion pattern and I don't know how to do it

thanks a lot

Which version of FEKO are you using?

For the new versions, you can add in Near Field points that you want to see in CADFEKO.

For the older versions, you have to use the "NF" card in Edit Feko.

Similarly, for radiation Pattern, you have to use the Farfied points in CADFEKO or "FF" card in EditFeko.


In cadfeko -
add request for nearfields and farfields. (nearfields you are allowed to define sampling point in various co-ordinates systems, for farfield you can tick the check box for 3D radiation or select the phi/theta cut that you want)

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