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need of metamaterial

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi guys,
i am working on a project based on electromagnetic propagaton in metamaterial..


Here i will give the description of my project ....

In which need to work on a PDE solver to integrate Helholtz's equation in meta-material waveguide.The meta material feature a negative refractive index.This is a major iimpact on the integration light-matter.Consider the well known Snell's law for an electromagnetic wave propagating from air ta a meta-material.At what angle the refracted beam will be the respect to the normal to the interface? The simulation will provide information on the transmission of the EM wave in the material, and then will lokk at the design of concave meta-material lens.That will be the focal length, its spot size, etc ....?

I need MATLAB code and the outputs ....

Suggested using MATLAB and electromagnetism

please guys its urgent and very important ............ contact me at 'luckyvasul@gmail.com'

find book "Electromagnetic Metamaterials - Transmission Line Theory" maybe it helps you

thanks dude ....
can u help me in telling some intsitutes in hyderabad, who can do this project .....?

hi sandeep,
I am interested in your project, although I have not done anything related to metamaterials before, but my own final year project also involves transmission o f EM waves through a mixed media ( metal and dielectric) so I will like to be involved if u don't mind. it will be a learning experience for me. So let me know what in particular you need.

i need to work on pde tool, in matlab...how the electromagnetic propogation is going between two parallel plates in free air ...n then later observing the propogation keeping a metamaterial between plates and then also with propogation through Left handed meta material.
U know, the propogation throu the meta material makes it invisible to the observer because of its negative refractive index .....

So do u know any institutes can make this project for some money....
give mu r mail Id, lets chat .....

mine is 'luckyvasul@gmail.com'

Hi, sandeep.
My work is similar with yours and I have just finished a paper on the subject.Maybe we can cowork and help eachother.
Now Im focused on the properties of wavepropagation in wavguide loaded with metamaterial...
My E-mail:firstlcb@163.com

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