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hfss version 11 using ports

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all, I'm very new to HFSS and now trying to learn it by reading Ansoft HFSS user's guide (ver 10). Though I used HFSS v.11 software.

I was working on Example 5.3 (Probe Feed Patch Antenna). Everything seemed to be fine, until I tried to assign a wave port excitation (page5.3-11). In the document it shows that after calling HFSS>Excitations>Assign>Wave port, we can set wave port terminals. But I found this nowhere. All I can set are Wave Port General and Post Processing. This problem occured in Example 5.1 as well.

I skimmed through the forum but coundt find the answer to this. Please kindly help me. Thank you very much.

for assigning waveport for coaxial probe you must draw a circle covering the whole area of coaxial feed and then you select the circle and then assign the waveport .........i think then there r no error produced..............

Thanks for your reply. Yes I did that. There's no error, but it doesnt allow me to modify Wave Port Terminals. Is there a relevant option that I forgot to set?

what modifications you want, and not able to do?

Finally I can figure out. In the driven modal, HFSS allows me to set the waveport terminal, but this is not true in the driven terminal.. Thanks everyone :)

Im having the same problem in both driven modal and driven terminal. Any help? Using HFSS 12

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