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HFSS: how to calculate even/odd impedance of coupled line

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, everybody:
I am sorry if this is a repeat of a trivial question. but I struggled for hours on this problem. Seems that we should use a driven terminal design, after that I am totally lost in finding the correct even/odd impedance of a coupled line.(I am assuming Agilent's tool linecalc gives me the right answer). Could anybody here help me in directing me how to setup the wave port(integration line, terminal etc. ) in HFSS to get the right value?

Thans In Advance.


hi,guys. need help here

Added after 15 minutes:

could I find these impedance using driven model design?
I use driven model and setup the waveport as shown below, am I correct when I am saying that mode 1 will calculate the odd mode impedance and mode 2 for even mode impedance? I did that but get the wrong answer.

any help will be appreciated.


I have the same problem... My lines always seem to be (almost) perfectly matched onto 50 Ohms, whatever distance i choose, although the LINPAR (http://www.eecircle.com/applets/Trac...mu_strip2.html) says otherwise.

Is there anybody with experience on this?

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