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how to display charge distruibution using hfss?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
how to display charge distruibution using hfss?

You can't do it directly. You could display current and take the derivative to get charge, but for what purpose?

What is the model?

and how i can get the derivative of the current using hfss?
the model is via

Hi Thunderr,

I am trying to find current in Amps along the via (in mushroom structure), using ∫Hdl. Is it the right way? Can you help me?

I think you mentioned vias...and trying to find charge right?

thank you,

Based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuity_equation
you take the divergence of current, and then integrate (not differentiate - my mistake) to get charge. You can take divergence of current in the field calculator. I believe you can "integrate" this over time by dividing by the frequency, since everything is of the form e^(jwt).

Why do that, when you can do ∫JdA over the cross section? Also, I believe your equation is wrong because it does not take into account varying electric field with time.

Dear shlomo22,

Thank you for replying. In HFSS cook book it is said that to find the current you need to use that value. Also I think the displacement current will be small and can be ignored. So to see what I am doing is right or not? I simulated a 1/2-wave dipole antenna and measured current along the length of the dipole using this procedure(draw circular polylines around the dipole(PEC or copper) at regular postions and measured ∫H.dl) and I got the sinusoidal variation as per text book.

The current behavior I am looking for is constant along the length of the via.i.e., as you move from top to bottom of the via the current shouldn't change much.
Then I did this procedure for the sivenpiper structure and simulated it, its not helping either. The other way I did is I drew a straight polyline along the length of the vias and calculated mag_Jvol and complx_jvol. This too didn't help. The way I am doing is correct or wrong? or is there any way to do this. I am also attaching the simulation file to this post. I am simulating for TM polarization 30 degrees. When I measured the phase I got good result with a MTT paper.

thank you for your time.

Hi yashwanth1885,

Looking at your HFSS file, I do not think your method can work, for mathematical reasons. You draw a loop and calculate ∫H•dl around it. According to Ampere's law, this should equal the integral of current through a surface bounded by the loop. But WHICH surface? Any surface whose edge is the loop should work - not just a flat disc.

However, different surfaces will give different results for the integral. Let's say you draw a balloon-like surface whose "mouth" is your loop, which has the entire sievenpiper structure inside it. Since this surface does not cross any conductive structure, ∫J•dA will be zero. However, if you choose a flat disc bounded by your loop, it crosses the sievenpiper stem, so ∫J•dA will be nonzero.

How is it possible that you get different results to ∫J•dA if ∫H•dl is the same? The answer is that displacement current MUST be significant.


Dear shlomo22,

Thank you very much for replying. I got your point. IS there any method you could propose me to do?


Define a cross-section surface (if you haven't already - I don't remember from the file). Calculate ∫J•dA over it using the field calculator. I'm not sure offhand how to calculate the dot product with the normal vector (I think integrating scalar |J| over area will give inaccurate results), but it can surely be done. In the field calculator you can save the result as a "named expression" and then make a plot ("Fields Report") if you want.

Thank you very much. I will try this and see.

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