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difference between finite and infinite ground planes?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
please tell me the difference between finite and infinite ground planes?What are the conductivity values and how to cut slots in this planes?

Finite ground plane is just like other part of your structure. You use polygons to describe it. If there is a slot on it, you cut the portion of the polygons out. For infinite ground plane, you define it in the substrate. We don't need to mesh it. If you want to have a slot there, we will use magnetic current modeling on it. We need you to define some polygons on the ground plane to identify where the slots are.

im not understanding that how to leave the
small part with out creating mesh for the infinite grounding?
as we creat mesh the whole thing is consider know.
thank you

Hi, citizen
Since the ground is infinite in size, how can we mesh it with finite-size grids?! No machine can afford that! In such a situation, the infinite gnd is treated with analytical method, like image theory. While the finite gnd should be taken into account case by case.

How can assign boundary to finite ground plane?


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