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wireless power transfer

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I want to turn on led by trannsfering power through electromagnetic coupling(wireless system).........can anyone please give me any idea....?

the power received by a receiving system is

Pr = Pt Gt Gr * (lambda/(4*pi*R))^2
Pt transmitted power
Gt & Gr gain of the transmitting and receiving antenna
R distance between the two antennas

so you should determine the power you need to turn on the led (Pr) and your receiver & transmitter size consideration (since Gt and Gr strongly depend on the size of the receiving antennas) and your allowed transmitted power (Pt)

also note that this relation is not valid if the antennas are too near to each other. (R > 2D^2/lambda and R >> lambda and R >> D) where D is the longest dimension of the receiving antenna.

best wishes,

hi you can find your ans from the following site


this person marko has done really great work in this field you can get all the source from their, i am really thank full to him for the great sharing of work i have done some good demo from the material from that site you can see the video.


@pany2008...Even you have put good efforts in it. And i rememebr you saying you had some problem abt heating of the mosfets in your prototype. Is that solved now, how?...cheers

no not at all buddy, so due to the reason of heating up of mosfet, i am trying it with pic microcontroller and H bridge, i studied lots in the wireless power transfer from patents and ieee paper, i know it theoretically very well how to implement it, but really poor in pic microcontroller and high frequency h bridge circuit for only that reason i have started post so that someone come forward and help be if even some provide me the software i will hard and make the h bridge circuit, but still waiting for someone yet no one came to reply.

May be very few have studied deep as you have done in this filed. But still best of luck in all your future endeavors. Keep it up. Sucess will be yours..Cheers

thank you very much buddy.............

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