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How to change plane wave incident angle in Floquet port?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, everyone
I am now using HFSS version 12 to calculate S11 and S21 of a simple layer dielectric.
Floquet ports and M/S B.C. are set up in the simulation.
For the floquet port, the plane wave incident angle is zero in default, but I want to use an oblique incidence(for example 10 deg). What should I do to realize oblique incidence?
I have tried to change the 'phi' and 'theta' in the floquet port settings, but the results are the same as normal incidence.

You said layer dielectric - do you mean that it is only dielectric as a slab? If yes than it is isotropic medium.

u donot need floquent mode, just use planewave .

with planewave it must be done post processing - the simulation is much longer

Added after 1 hours 29 minutes:

in attached file you will find an example of scaning for anisotropic medium

there is a Options when using Flouqet
just be carefull to search it .
phase delay-scan angle

上一篇:moment method

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