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solidworks to hfss

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am trying to import 3D CAD models from SolidWorks to HFSS. I have tried using the STEP and IGES file formats but have been unable to change the dimensions when I get into HFSS (for optimization)?

Is there any file format that allows you to change the dimensions of the imported model in HFSS?

It is impossible to import any model into HFSS from other software for the change of dimensions. You have to build up the model in HFSS by parameterization for optimization.

Some advice in working with Solidworks and HFSS:

Export your SW models as ACIS, and under ACIS options select version 14. This is the native 3D format that HFSS uses when creating geometry within HFSS. (v14 is the latest version that will import correctly w/ HFSS 10.1, Try to use the latest version that imports correctly for your version of HFSS). While I've found that IGES work just fine, models saved as ACIS dont need to go though a conversion process like IGS and many others will and for large files this saves a little time when importing.

Also the default auto-heal works pretty good, but if your getting mesh errors with any model after its been imported and auto-healed, I would try to simplify it in SW and re-import it as opposed to doing manual healing.

If you want to do optimetrics on an imported part , you'd probably have to put in some creative subtract or other operations?

hi burton,

it is possible to import CAD model into SEMCAD X and then modify (and parametrize) using local modeling and parametrization tools. please check the example
(http://www.semcad.com/simulation/app...t_mobphone.php) on their webpage.

best wishes,

I also found it impossible to change dimensions (except for scaling the whole object) when importing pro-e files. The problem I have with importing is that when I run my simulation there seems to be a nagging mesh generation error requiring minor surface repair, and then I recieve the:
Initial mesh, process mesh3d : Unexpected inconsistency found in internal mesh data structures.
error message before it stops. I have yet tto figure out the source of this error, but for the record I have done some subtracting of the imported objects in order to arragne them correctly.

I have recently moved to HFWorks and solved all my problems with importing into HFSS.

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