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How to design a loop antenna in HFSS?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I need to design a loop antenna in HFSS for 2.45 GHZ

Can anyone share some examples of loop antenna in HFSS

Are you trying to design a loop with a natural resonance at 2.45 GHz or a circuit tuned resonance? The easiest way is to create two circles, one larger than the other and subtract. The cut a gap for a lumped port .

How to adjust it for 2.45Ghz.

what should be the radius of the loop(circle) for 2.45

Once you create the loop in HFSS, simply look at the real and imaginary Z of the antenna. This is essentially your complex radiation resistance. If you want a natural resonance loop at 2.45GHZ, then the imaginary part of Z needs to be zero at 2.45GHz. You can optimize on this criteria. Also, the radius of the loop will depend upon the domain of your loop, ie constant current, non-uniform current, and Gain requirements.

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