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Total length of a meander dipole antenna

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
IS it a must the total wire length of a meander dipole antenna to be the same as the conventional linear dipole antenna specially that i am interested to use quarter wavelength as an axial length in the meanderline dipole case ?


Bending the antenna "arms" won't change feedpoint impedance unless the two 1/4 lengths become parallel to each other, then the system may start to act as a transmission line instead. Can you provide a better description. I suspect you are looking at the 3 to 30 MHZ region and I suspect the parameter you are looking at is feedpoint impedeance.

Do you really believe? As with any electrical small antenna, the feedpoint impedance real part (or "radiation resistance")
can be expected to decrease considerably.

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