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sar simulation

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
anyone know how to simulate our antenna with SAR in cst


if i understand you correctly you are interesting the SAR values of your antenna

well you need to model the antenna along with the body model .

you need to define the power loss monitor at the desired frequency before running the time domain solver.

at the end of the simulation you can calculate SAR from the results manu


if already setting the monitor what is the right command
it is like this loss(f=0.47)[1](10g) as example?

well it depends whether you need 1g or 10g SAR value?
if you are interested in 10g SAR at f=0.47 then you should select this f=0.47)[1](10g).


thanks shahid.......

i already try put the command like that, after setting power loss density and run the
simulation, however it still cannot calculate SAR from the results

can u tell me step by step or give some notes to setting the right way to solve this

i think you have not set the mass density for the material inside which SAR is to be analyzed


mass density for material could u please explain detail
each material that i used must be set mass density but how to setting? i dunno how to do

well when you assign any material to your modeled structure you assign properties to it like permitivity , permeability and conductivity etc

there will be density as well when material properties window is open so just fill in the density for the SAR simulated material


thanks shahid.... i already can run the simulation
and i am using the phantom head model. after run the simulation and SAR calculation i find the result for the SAR. do u know about the relationship SAR and our antenna design because i am new for SAR

well i dont think so there is any fefinite relationship between antenna design and SAR.

but an antenna design without ground plane will definitely increase the SAR value as compard to grounded antenna design


shahid i get the result for SAR but i donno what the result showed

well if you see there is one entry which is saying

maximum SAR(rms,10g) [W/kg]=0.7022

this is your required result. as maximum 10g SAR should be less then 2
so your antenna is satisfying that criteria


what the benefit that 10g SAR less than 2 means?
the S11 for that antenna i get is -37.56dB and after implement this antenna with SAR the S11 is -12.75dB do u know why?

well SAR is a comrehensive topic so you need to do some searhing on it but as far as your question is concerned there is world wide regulation on SAR level and every new mobile handset launched into the market has to meet SAR criteria

now for 10g SAR should be less then 2 so regulatory authority will have no objection to it

regarding ur S11 results well when u place ur antenna close to human body its input impedane changes so its matching is deteriorating as compared to free space thats why ur S11 results are not good with body
i hope i answer ur question


Hi dear Shahid,
please i'm trying to calculate the SAR values by using CST. i obtain the 3D results but i dont know how can i plot the SAR values versus to the distance (cartesian: SAR-values in Y-axis and Distance (mm) in X-axis).""D is the distance that separe the antenna to all points on X-axis into the human head model )
thanks for your help that you give on this forum.
best regards.


you need to define a line along which you are interested in finding the SAR values.
then go to postprocessing and request for SAR values along the curve

i hope this answers your question


Dear shahid thank you very much for your answer. it's good now.
please can you tell me about the technics used to reduce and minimize the SAR (if you have somme article please to send it to me, or post it here).my e-mail: simotic@yahoo.fr
i'm grateful for your help, thanks
Best regards

Dear shahid

i'm doing reduction of SAR using metamaterial.
do u hav any idea on metamaterials?
i would to hav some articles relating to SAR too..
email: sueling_capri@hotmail.com
thanx a lot.



well to reduce SAR you need to reduce the backward radiation from the antenna.
now there are different techniques to reduce the backward radiation . if you search google i hope u will find lot of material

regarding metamaterial well you can use metamaterial (which are engineered materials having interested electromagnetic feature) to reduce SAR as they have frequency bandgaps for propagation of surface waves which are responsible for backward radiation
i hope this might give you some clue to your questions


Dear shahid
could you help me plz.you tell me how set up on this software headmodel to antenna distance.if i catch on distance 10mm so how iset up of my computer.

Added after 4 minutes:

Dear shahid
you tell me how i can built on metamaterial value is fixed or changeable you tell me or di electric constant and permeability what is the depended of criteria you tell me plz.

上一篇:cst vista

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