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how to obtain reflection phase in hfss

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
when i simultate the reflection phase of periodic structures in HFSS
i found a strange problem

when the incident PL wave is not perpendicular to the structure, the reflection phase, no mater far field phase nor nearfield phase are changed with the cell length, namely the size of the mast and slave boundarys.

so how to get the correct reflection phase?

see the file, try to change the sellh, e.g. sellh=15 ,=25
you will find the reflection pahse are different much.

so,how to get the correct phase?

try using floquet mode that able u changing the oblique angle
in that site u will find floquet mode in hfss

thanks, but.
in cst , it is difficult to define the angle of plane wave incidence.


hi apefir
don't worry
send me ur file u wish to simulate
determine in hfss or cst
i could help u ISA

I still want to solve this problem in HFSS. because in cst , it is difficult to define the wanted incident wave.

the file i wish to simulate has already been uploaded in the first post of this page.

Were you able to solve this problem? Please tell us how you were able to do it. Thank you.

Hi apefir

I saw your simulation but i didn't saw any cutplane with the same angle of incident plane wave.

上一篇:quasistatic meaning

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