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Is it possible to measure LNA's NF manually using poor man slide screw tuner?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I'm trying to measure optimum NF of MP4T6365 manually using Maury 1643D screw tuner. Manufacturing Data sheet doesn't show Gamma opt for opt NF. My set up is as followed

Noise Source -> Bias Tee -> Screw Tuner -> Dut -> Bias Tee -> HP-8970A

I can calibrate with everything in with the tuner at default 50Ohm but when I tried to tune the tuner, my reading is always as high as 2.8dB (supposed to be around 1.3dB). Use 3dB attenuator padding at input/output won't help. I think the tuner introduces different loss at different setting so it throws the measurement off. Can you guys show me the way to do this thing correctly (besides using an automated tuner system)?


Sorry, wrong forum.

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