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back radiaiton reduction

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi there,
i am doing a project where i need to reduce back radiation of any antenna.
objective is to achieve F/B upto 40 dB.

i want to know what factor contributes to back radiation..
surface wave diffraction is one and there are techniques like PBG to suppress it but still obtained F/B is not better than 25 dB.

i came to know that other factors could be space wave diffraction.. any idea how to suppress this for better F/B?

and please tell me if there are more contributor that i must take care of for better F/B ratio.

i would like to know cause and contributor of back radiation. and if possible technique to reduce their contribution

with regards

I don't think that you'll get meaningful answers without referring to a specific antenna type.

In my general view, elementary antennas don't have considerable F/B ratios. Antennas with high directivity are designed by superimposing antenna elements. So "back radiation" is basically a discussion about imperfection of this design process.

if antenna type is required.... then i would like to specify that antenna type i am looking to design with F/B ratio less than 40 are microstrip patch antenna or printed dipole antennas.

to apply any technique or to understand function of any technique i would first like to understand cause of back radiation..
as mentioned in earlier post ... surface wave and free space wave are one of the contributor in back radiation .. from this thread i like to know about more such contributor and technique to suppress them

Hello lkminz!

I think that the back-radiation is something that you could observe when, for example, there is non metal and reflective sheet.
If a monopole is to be applied to an infinite ground plane- what should the F/B ratio be?
and what it is the ratio compared to a dipole ? (Without reflective metal screen).
Try to get higher Front to Back ratio by using and by investigating this issue in any type of antenna (resonance, leaky, traveling wave antenna, and etc..).


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