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How to plot E field in HFSS and export it to Excel format?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have some question about HFSS.

I wanted to plot electric power field of a solved model, so I first tried to export E-field into .txt file in the following way.

1 open HFSS<Fields<calculator.
2 choose "E" in the Quantity tab.
3 in the "export" menu, set the field as follows;
x -5um 5um space0.1um
y 0um 0um space1um
z 0um 0um space1um.

I could open the exported file in MS Excel, but I don't know how to see it.
maybe data lines this way;
x y z re(Ex) im(Ex) re(Ey) im(Ey) re(Ez) im(Ez)

is this collect?
then how should I plot E-field (V/m) like Mag_E plot on HFSS?

Plese tell me anything you know about it.
sorry for my bad English.
上一篇:FDTD for 3D Waveguide

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