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HFSS 50 ohm microstrip

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
can someone help? lumped ports are defined for 50 ohm system but my TL seems to be nowhere near 50 ohms.

Use a waveport to determine the characteristic impedance of your TL

later :)

hello gamba?,
Sorry, where's application this TL ?
Is the simple experiment?


I have tried with a waveport but I am not able to get the correct dimensions for the waveport that give 50 ohm for the given substrate height and TL width. Do share if you are able to?

Added after 2 minutes:

Yes it is a simple experiment and should tie in with theory. If you are able to successfully run this simple experiment please show how. The TL line is just a simple feeder for an antenna system.

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