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Selenoid simulation in HFSS v11

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I am trying to simulate a selenoid with a current source in order to try to see somehow how big is the magnetic field inside.

I have 2 questions:

1) I am not sure how should I apply the excitation in hfss. I have tried with a cylinder as a port with the same radius as the coil (Cu) and defining the current direction going inside. Also in the base of the port cylinder I have defined a PEC circumference (as GND). And also at the end of the selenoid I have defined another circumference with boundary as PEC (as GND).

2) How can I plot the magnetic field inside the selenoid?

I hope you can give me some hints. Thanks!


What is your frequency of work? if it is very low you should balance to Ansoft Maxwell.

Can u post your project so i can help?.

Hi again,

We have HFSS not Maxwell 3D. Working frequency is around 900MHz.

The main problem is how to apply to a selenoid an excitation (current) and a how would be a proper termination that allows the current to flow through the structure (close current circuit).

Thanks for helping!

OK, 900 MHz. That is a wavelength of a little over a foot.

Now how big is your inductor? (What is the size relative to a wavelength?)

How are you going to connect it in reality? You might consider adding the connections to your 3D model, like a coax at each end for example. HFSS has a variety of ports available. Take a look at the online help.

What are you trying to accomplish with this analysis? Are you trying to see if the inductor radiates? Couples somewhere else or what? Is it in a metal box? Free space? On a groundplane?

I just tripped over this post:

Tallface65's comments might be helpful. You might also consider contacting him directly as it sounds like he is working on a similar,if not identical, problem.

This problem can be very easily solved. You check the size of your computer hard disk or its partition in which you installed HFSS. you will find that the memory will be almost filled. For example if it is 100GB then may be it will be filled up to 99.5GB. You will then find the folder in this partition where the temporary files of HFSS are present. You simply delete all these files. This problem will be solved.

Hi guys,

Azulykit, thanks for your help.
Well, dimensions are still open, aslo frequency. I am just trying to verify with HFSS some experiments and results already done by some people related to plasma generation with a coil around a quartz cylinder. And checking if HFSS (or me) is capable of performing usefull simulations for that purpose. What we want is to create a big magnetic field inside a cylinder (inside the coil). My first doubt was about how to use a current source port properly in my model. I thought that if I would use a lump port, I would not be able to control the amount of H field inside the coil.

Have you discussed the problem with the Ansoft support engineers? They are helpful.

上一篇:Sizing problem in HFSS

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