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axial ratio in cst?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
currently im doing a single-fed EM coupled ring resonator..
only focusing in Circular Polarization..i have the difficulty in determine whether my design in CP o LP...

some said to determine whether is CP
1. find the axial ratio...but in my case..the value in at 7dB..thus my design in not CP?
2. by just looking ldwing3...my design fulfill the requirement..

i need a complete steps to determine whether my design is CP or not...
if my design is not a CP..how can i make it as CP?
so i do need help from you'll...TQ..


i'm also design about circular polarization for reflectarray antenna..i have problem to design it using cst software,,can somebody help me?

thank you,,

上一篇:cst current distribution

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