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dipole antenna simulation

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am new to ADS layout simulation. I have simulated the folded dipole microstrip antenna suggested by TI(Texas Instruments) for transreceiver chip CC2500 to work for 2.4GHz frequency in ADS (whose datasheet is attached) but I am not getting the desired output.

I have attached the method that I followed with the datasheets required.

So please suggest me if I am following the wrong method of simulation or there is some other error.
Please help me out.

Thank you.

Hi lkjhgf,

I deigned folded dipole many times before using ADS.

Please check two things:

1) change the stting of the subrtate /////GND///// from closed to open with epsilon=1. Re-simulate and check the results.

2) How did you set the ports, can you attach a photo of that

let me know about the results


Added after 1 hours 17 minutes:


Hi, Mustafa
Thank you for your kind help.

I changed the settings as you have told but the results is not the required one.One thing I haven't understood is that if we make the ground plane open then how to make the epsilon value one. Do I have to change the epsilon value of dielectric layer? I tried that too but the results were same as previously I attached.

I have attached the change of the setting images and also the differential port setting that you wanted to observe. Please let me know about any changes to be made or if any conclusion is made about the settings.

to save your time , can you upload your project?

Here is the complete project. Please fill some light on it.

Do let me know if any extra stuff is required.

Hi Mustafa,

plz reply as soon as you can .......its urgent!


Sorry for my late reply,

I have checked the project , the settings seems to be correct but the reults still not good , i wonder about the dimension of the antenna ?

Have you tried to use ansoft Designer -SV ?

Substrate para meters are wrong. set the air Dk to 1


i am sorry o change the topic a little bit here cuz i couldnt find any to its match..

i am am trying to simulate a folded dipole antenna on HFSS...i am not sure but it seems not working properly...i doubt the feed on it.

i wanna add this thing that i am a new to HFSS.

If convenient for any of you..please see the attached hfss file and help me in correcting it.


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