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HFSS...Matrix Solver exception. Out of memory

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am new to HFSS. I repeatedly get this message while doing a frequency sweep in HFSS.

"Adaptive solution setup process hf3d error. Matrix solver exception out of memory. Unable to create child process hf3d. Simulation completed with execution error on server. Local Machine."

The number of tetrahedrons for this setup shown in "mesh statistics" is 221863. Guess number is high.

Any relation between the number of tetrahedrons generated from meshing and the RAM limit of computer

If the number of tetrahedrons is high, how do i go about manual meshing?

One thing you can do is change your sweep from a Fast sweep to an interpolating or discrete sweep. The interpolating and discrete sweeps use as much RAM as the last adaptive pass (so if you can converge your simulation, you will be able to solve the frequency sweep as well) while the Fast sweep uses an extrapolation algorithm that may require quite a bit more RAM than the last adaptive pass. This is assuming that you converged your solution and had enough RAM to do so.

You can turn on the iterative solver as this tends to dramatically lower the memory footprint.

Have Fun :)

thanks for the reply :) will try your ideas and tell you...

I've tried it. It's useful. thanks

Assalamu Alaikom,
i need help , i bought a new pc later with the following specs,dual core processor@2.7GHz ,4Gb RAM in order to can handle HFSS projects, when i use HFSS now, i got the same problem ,it crashes with the folloeing errors: out of memory,Adaptive solution setup, process hf3d exited with code 100,Communication failure. System error no: 109, error description:Unknown error,
iam using interploating sweep i increase delta S till i reached 0.004 , and i uses no of counts 1000 ,the initial design converged after 13 adaptive pass but when the optimetric analysis begins all these problems happen,beside the design is taking alot of time ,need help

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