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Books about Modes of EM wave propagations

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I am studying about EM simulations, and I have seen several terms related to "mode". This term is very new to me (TEM, TE10, quasiTEM ?), so I am studying about it.

Could someone recommend some good books about "mode", please ?

I have been searching through internet, but did not find a quite complete source.

Thank you very much,


You can check following books

Microwave Engineering by David M. Pozar

Microwave Devices And Circuits by S Y Liao

I had studied Liao in my last semester......it is very well written......there is another book on this topic by R E Collins....it is also very good......

J.A. Kong "Electromagnetic Wave Theory" is the best for me. I think would be useful also for you.

Thank you guys,

I am having a look at them.


For just memoriseinf .. LIAO is good one..( no concept building)
For detailed start - FOundation of microwave engineering by RE Collin
And Advance Electromagnetics by Balanis is best one

To be honest, choose just one of the books above-mentioned and read it in detail and carefully. One is enough to get a good knowledge in Electromagnetics, otherwise you will be absolutely confused.

Thank you guys for further info and suggestions :)


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